Penn Remembers Martin Luther King Jr. With Commemorative Symposium on Social Change

    PHILADELPHIA -- The University of Pennsylvania will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday with the Commemorative Symposium on Social Change from Jan. 17 through Feb. 2.
The MLK Day of Service at Penn will begin at 9 a.m. on Jan. 17 with a community breakfast for volunteers before they begin a day of service in the West Philadelphia community.  Penn President Amy Gutmann will attend the breakfast, which begins at 8:30 at the Hall of Flags in Houston Hall.  Bilal Quyyam, co-founder of the Father’s Day Rally Committee will be the keynote speaker.  
Day of Service volunteers will participate in a variety of service projects from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on campus and throughout the surrounding West Philadelphia community.  One group will participate in painting and sprucing up Sayre High School and the Community Education Center in West Philadelphia. Another group will be at the Houston Hall auditorium at 34th and Spruce streets painting a “Seat of Justice” for students to reflect on Dr. King’s life and achievements. Other volunteers will be on campus mentoring students, creating books on tape to promote literacy for youth in Philadelphia, or creating gifts to be donated to area shelters, nursing homes and hospitals.
The Day of Service wraps up with a candlelight vigil that will begin at the W.E.B DuBois College House at 39th and Walnut streets and ends on College Green on Locust Walk, near 34th street.
 A listing of events and programs is available at: