Penn President Amy Gutmann Co-Sponsors Global Colloquium of University Presidents in New York

PHILADELPHIA University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann is among five university presidents and one former president sponsoring the Global Colloquium of University Presidents Nov. 28-29 at New York University.

The Global Colloquium is a growing network of international university presidents who contribute through research, teaching and other activities to the solution of global public policy programs. The annual sessions are designed to generate useful discussion and frank advice to assist the secretary-general of the United Nations. The secretary-general, Ban K-moon, will chair the colloquium.

The issues being discussed this year are "The Role of Universities in Relation to Climate Change" and "Setting the Post-Kyoto Agenda for Climate Policy."

Michael Oppenheimer of Princeton will deliver the keynote address, "The Post-Kyoto Challenge: Can Policy Catch Up With the Science?" Former President Bill Clinton will deliver remarks at a Nov. 29 lunch session.

"Scaling Up," Gutmann's position paper for the colloquium, is available at

Also participating is Eric Orts, an expert from Penns Wharton School on governance and regulatory issues. His position paper is available at

In addition to Gutmann, the other sponsors are John Sexton, president of NYU; Lee Bollinger, president of Columbia University; Rich Levin, president of Yale University; Neil Rudenstine, president emeritus of Harvard University; and Shirley Tilghman, president of Princeton University.

Participants are expected from 25 universities in Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, France, India, Israel, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Korea, Thailand, Uganda, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States.

For more news featuring Penn President Amy Gutmann see
