Jay Kaufman to Speak in Penn Program on Race, Science & Society Lecture

WHAT:           University of Pennsylvania Program on Race, Science & Society, “How Do We Study Racial Disparities in Health and What Have We Learned?” Public Lecture

WHO:             Inaugural visiting scholar Jay Kaufman, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health at McGill University      

WHEN:           The ARCH, Room 108, 3601 Locust Walk.

WHERE:         Wednesday, March 25, 5:30-7 p.m.


PRSS is an initiative devoted to transformative and interdisciplinary approaches to the role of race in scientific research and biotechnological innovations. Each year PRSS presents a series of lectures, colloquia, workshops and events focused on a theme related to race, science and society.  The 2014-15 theme is “Race in the Age of Big Data.”

Professor Kaufman will be the inaugural visiting scholar delivering a public lecture, on March 25, and presenting his research on the causes of racial health disparities at a workshop the next day.

PRSS, based in Penn’s Center for Africana Studies, is directed by Dorothy Roberts, a Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor with appointments in Penn Arts & Sciences and the Penn Law School.

The full program of PRSS events is available at http://prss.sas.upenn.edu/events.